Page Scan Results:
(No H1 element on page)
Known Issues - These "violations" have been flagged as problematic by Axe, our accessibility scanner. Axe's "no false positives" philosophy means that if it's shown here, it's likely a problem to someone.
Known Issues on This Page
ARIA input fields must have an accessible name
Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible name. Axe Reference
<div class="choices" data-type="select-one" role="listbox" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" dir="ltr">
Element selector:#\:0\.targetLanguage > .choices[data-type="select-one"][aria-haspopup="true"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
- aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
- Element has no title attribute
<div class="choices" data-type="select-one" role="listbox" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" dir="ltr">
Element selector:#google_translate_element_menu > .choices[data-type="select-one"][aria-haspopup="true"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
- aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
- Element has no title attribute
Links must have discernible text
Ensures links have discernible text. Axe Reference
<a href="" data-type="URL" data-id="">
Element selector:a[data-type="URL"]:nth-child(2)
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers
- aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
- aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
- Element has no title attribute
Failing checks (All of these should pass)
- Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text
<a href="" data-type="URL" data-id="">
Element selector:a[data-type="URL"]:nth-child(3)
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers
- aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
- aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
- Element has no title attribute
Failing checks (All of these should pass)
- Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text
Elements must only use supported ARIA attributes
Ensures an element's role supports its ARIA attributes. Axe Reference
<div class="choices__item choices__item--selectable" data-item="" data-id="1" data-value="" aria-selected="true"> Translate </div>
Element selector:#google_translate_element_menu > .choices[data-type="select-one"][aria-haspopup="true"] > .choices__inner > .choices__list--single.choices__list > div[data-item=""][data-id="1"][data-value=""]
Failing checks (All of these should pass)
- ARIA attribute is not allowed: aria-selected="true"
Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them. Axe Reference
<div class="choices" data-type="select-one" role="listbox" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" dir="ltr">
Element selector:#google_translate_element_menu > .choices[data-type="select-one"][aria-haspopup="true"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Required ARIA children role not present: group, option
- Element uses aria-busy="true" while showing a loader
<html> element must have a lang attribute
Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute. Axe Reference
<html style="height: 100%;">
Element selector:html
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- The <html> element does not have a lang attribute
Needs Review - These "incomplete" issues may be problematic, but couldn't be completely tested automatically. They should be reviewed by a real person.
Needs Review on This Page
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds. Axe Reference
<p>Work with your academic advisor to plan your class schedule for the upcoming semester.</p>
Element selector:.inner-juiceblock--tablet--6.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(1) > .jb-photo-card > .jb-photo-card-text > .jb-block-text > p
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it partially overlaps other elements
<p>Everything you need to know about preparing and applying for graduation.</p>
Element selector:.inner-juiceblock--tablet--6.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(2) > .jb-photo-card > .jb-photo-card-text > .jb-block-text > p
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it partially overlaps other elements
<a href="">Learn more</a>
Element selector:.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(1) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(1) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<a href="">Learn more</a>
Element selector:.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(2) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(2) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<a href="">Learn more</a>
Element selector:.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(3) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.inner-juiceblock--tablet--4.inner-juiceblock:nth-child(3) > .jb-image-column > .jb-image-column__link > a
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<a href="" data-type="URL" data-id="">LEARN MORE</a>
Element selector:.jb-image-column__link > a[data-type="URL"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.jb-image-column__link > a[data-type="URL"]
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them. Axe Reference
<div class="choices" data-type="select-one" role="listbox" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" dir="ltr">
Element selector:#\:0\.targetLanguage > .choices[data-type="select-one"][aria-haspopup="true"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Expecting ARIA children role to be added: group, option