Page Scan Results:
Full-Time Programs
Known Issues - These "violations" have been flagged as problematic by Axe, our accessibility scanner. Axe's "no false positives" philosophy means that if it's shown here, it's likely a problem to someone.
Known Issues Summary
No violations found.
Needs Review - These "incomplete" issues may be problematic, but couldn't be completely tested automatically. They should be reviewed by a real person.
Needs Review on This Page
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds. Axe Reference
<a href="/o/ptc" target="" class="utilities" style="color:#fff;" data-v-43153ebb=""> Home </a>
Element selector:.utilities-top > .utility-bar.utility-bar-items[data-v-43153ebb=""] > .utilities[href$="ptc"][data-v-43153ebb=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element
<a href="/o/ftp" target="" class="utilities" style="color:#fff;" data-v-43153ebb=""> Full-Time Programs </a>
Element selector:.utilities-top > .utility-bar.utility-bar-items[data-v-43153ebb=""] > .utilities[href$="ftp"][data-v-43153ebb=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element
<a href="/o/wd" target="" class="utilities" style="color:#fff;" data-v-43153ebb=""> Workforce Development </a>
Element selector:.utilities-top > .utility-bar.utility-bar-items[data-v-43153ebb=""] > .utilities[href="/o/wd"][data-v-43153ebb=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element
<h1 class="bold" data-v-98407af0=""> Full-Time Programs </h1>
Element > h1
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="menu-field" data-v-039167a5="" data-v-0350b138=""> Menu </span>
Element selector:.explore-menu-container > .menu[aria-haspopup=""][aria-controls="mainmenu"] > .button-action-content[data-v-039167a5=""] > .menu-field[data-v-039167a5=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="menu-field" data-v-039167a5="" data-v-0350b138=""> Quick Links </span>
Element selector:.schools-btn-mobile > .button-action-content[data-v-039167a5=""] > .menu-field[data-v-039167a5=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="menu-field" data-v-039167a5="" data-v-0350b138=""> Translate </span>
Element selector:.language-menu-icon > .menu-field[data-v-039167a5=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Advanced Firefighter </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(1) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(1) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Students extinguishing a fire"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Automotive </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(2) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(2) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Students working on an engine"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Biotechnology </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(3) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(3) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(3) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Cosmetology </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(4) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(4) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Students cutting hair"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> EMT/Fire </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(5) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(5) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(5) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Health Science </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(6) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(6) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(6) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Heavy Equipment </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(7) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(7) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Backhoe and bulldozer in field"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> HVAC </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(8) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(8) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Students soldering a pipe"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Information Technology </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(9) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(9) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(9) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Practical Nursing </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(10) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(10) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
img[alt="Students practicing IV skills"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> PTC Lineworker Academy </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(11) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(11) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(11) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
<p maxlength="26" data-v-432e72f6=""> Welding </p>
Element selector:.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(12) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > > .normal-content.title.bold > p[maxlength="26"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(12) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] >
.program.four-column[data-testid="program-content"]:nth-child(12) > .image-border-accent.image-wrapper[role="dialog"] > .program-image[loading="lazy"]
Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node
IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique
Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique. Axe Reference
<div id="schoolsmenu" role="menu" data-v-6585e340="" data-v-0350b138=""><!----></div>
Element selector:.right-menu-items > div[data-v-0350b138=""]:nth-child(2) > div[role="menu"][data-v-6585e340=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: schoolsmenu
.schools-menu-container > div[role="menu"][data-v-6585e340=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: schoolsmenu
<button id="languagebutton" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="languagebutton" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Select Translation Language" class="menu button-action languages bold" data-v-039167a5="" data-v-0350b138="">
Element selector:div[data-v-0350b138=""]:nth-child(3) > .languages[aria-controls="languagebutton"][aria-label="Select Translation Language"]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: languagebutton
.language-icon > .languages[aria-controls="languagebutton"][aria-label="Select Translation Language"]
Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: languagebutton
Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them. Axe Reference
<div id="schoolsmenu" role="menu" data-v-6585e340="" data-v-0350b138=""><!----></div>
Element selector:.schools-menu-container > div[role="menu"][data-v-6585e340=""][data-v-0350b138=""]
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Expecting ARIA children role to be added: group, menuitemradio, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menu, separator
<video> elements must have captions
Ensures <video> elements have captions. Axe Reference
<video aria-label="Animation showing images from various programs" src="" autoplay="autoplay" muted="muted" loop="loop" playsinline="" class="video" data-v-c3139a7e="">
Element selector:video
Failing checks (All of these should pass)
- Check that captions is available for the element