Page Scan Results:
Known Issues - These "violations" have been flagged as problematic by Axe, our accessibility scanner. Axe's "no false positives" philosophy means that if it's shown here, it's likely a problem to someone.
Known Issues Summary
No violations found.
Needs Review - These "incomplete" issues may be problematic, but couldn't be completely tested automatically. They should be reviewed by a real person.
Needs Review Summary
Needs Review on This Page
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds. Axe Reference
<h1> <small>College of</small> Engineering & Computer Science </h1>
Element selector:h1
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<small>College of</small>
Element selector:small
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element selector:.ut_hero__content__wrapper > p
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h2 class="ut_quick-fact__bigtext"> 85% <span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Faculty Hold Highest Degree in Field</span> </h2>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(1) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Faculty Hold Highest Degree in Field</span>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(1) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext > .ut_quick-fact__subtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h2 class="ut_quick-fact__bigtext"> 14:1 <span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Student-Faculty Ratio</span> </h2>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(2) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Student-Faculty Ratio</span>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(2) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext > .ut_quick-fact__subtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h2 class="ut_quick-fact__bigtext"> 91% <span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Placement Rate Within 6 Months</span> </h2>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(3) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Placement Rate Within 6 Months</span>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(3) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext > .ut_quick-fact__subtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h2 class="ut_quick-fact__bigtext"> 1,833 <span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Engineering & Computer Science Students</span> </h2>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(4) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_quick-fact__subtext">Engineering & Computer Science Students</span>
Element selector:.margin-bottom-2.large-3.small-12:nth-child(4) > .ut_quick-fact > .ut_quick-fact__bigtext > .ut_quick-fact__subtext
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<input class="typeahead ut_overlap-field-group__field tt-hint" value="" type="search" aria-label="search" readonly="" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" tabindex="-1" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; border-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; opacity: 1; background: none 0% 0% / auto repeat scroll padding-box border-box rgb(255, 255, 255);" dir="ltr">
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element
<span class="ut_card__date__month">Sep</span>
Element selector:time[datetime="2023-06-26"] > .ut_card__date__month
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_card__date__day">20</span>
Element selector:time[datetime="2023-06-26"] > .ut_card__date__day
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h3>Fall 2023 Cane Career Fair</h3>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card > .ut_card__content > h3
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<p> 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM </p>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card > .ut_card__content > p
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_card__date__month">Mar</span>
Element selector:time[datetime="2023-08-04"] > .ut_card__date__month
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<span class="ut_card__date__day">26</span>
Element selector:time[datetime="2023-08-04"] > .ut_card__date__day
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<h3>Presidential Lecture Series – Jaron Lanier</h3>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card > .ut_card__content > h3
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<p> 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM </p>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card > .ut_card__content > p
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--event.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element selector:.margin-x > .auto.cell > h2
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<a href="" class="button button--yellow-outline"> All News Stories </a>
Element selector:.margin-x > .shrink.cell > .button--yellow-outline.button
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<div class="ut_card__content__wrapper"> Ambassador discusses cyberspace, digital policy during UTulsa visit <i class="fas fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--news.ut_card > .ut_card__content > .ut_card__content__wrapper
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(1) > .ut_card--news.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<div class="ut_card__content__wrapper"> TU launches cyber institute with projected $75M investment <i class="fas fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--news.ut_card > .ut_card__content > .ut_card__content__wrapper
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(2) > .ut_card--news.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<div class="ut_card__content__wrapper"> TU receives $3.75M to study AI, robotics, virtual reality <i class="fas fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div>
Element selector:.large-4.cell:nth-child(3) > .ut_card--news.ut_card > .ut_card__content > .ut_card__content__wrapper
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
.large-4.cell:nth-child(3) > .ut_card--news.ut_card
Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element
<div class="cli-bar-message">We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies.</div>
Element selector:.cli-bar-message
Failing checks (At least one of these should pass)
- Element's background color could not be determined because it partially overlaps other elements